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We can connect one-on-one, through group support circles, or through online and in-person grief retreats
Grief tending is not psychotherapy in its approach, nor does it follow the more regimented goals of coaching. 
Grief needs to be tended in a deeply mindful way so pain is not held in the body or manifested in negative or harmful ways such as lack of self-care, isolation or depression. 
By naming and acknowledging grief, we begin to release it little by little making room for new experiences and emotions to emerge, and finding a way back to the natural flow of life and potential joy. 

All of us go through times of real loss, change and transition; times when we need a safe and sacred place, to be compassionately held and guided in all we are personally experiencing.
Let's connect on your first complimentary call and craft a path forward that feels right for you in this moment.  
Fees:  Sliding Scale $125 - $175 per session. Packages available. 
Contact: (206) 972-3769

Holding Hands


Personal sessions allow you to be at your most vulnerable, knowing all that you share will be respectfully held with deep care, confidentiality and focused presence. You will be offered intuitive reflection, and gentle inquiry and guidance. Collaborating on, and creating, personal grief rituals is an available offering as well.


Grief support circles allow you to share your own experience, be witnessed, and listen to others, while being held with loving and mindful facilitation. Healing happens when we can safely share what's present in our hearts and be seen, heard and understood.

Group Therapy
Group Discussion


Grieve & Release Retreats offer the gift of being able to immerse yourself into a committed time focused on your grief journey. Healing offerings will include intuitive writing, heart shares, singing, movement and more all designed to help move any grief ready to be released.

©2023 by Grief Tender

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